Non-castration picking up steam …
Annechien ten Have-Mellema I recently visited Bretagne at the invitation of Cooperl. I related our experiences with boar raising at their annual meetings for their pig farming members. I was...
View ArticleMyths about boar taint
Ge Backus: In the 1980s, the American Slovic conducted groundbreaking research into what people consider dangerous. One of the surprising results was that people are less afraid of skateboarding than...
View ArticleComing, staying and disappearing
Carola van der Peet – Schwering: Castrating pigs is a subject that regularly reared its head in discussions concerning and within pig farming in recent decades. Over the 28 years that I have worked as...
View ArticleStronger together
Annechien ten Have-Mellema Even if you look at something from various perspectives and have different points of departure when cooperating, you are still stronger together. This was one of the basic...
View ArticleWaited too long
Gé Backus On 25 June 2013, 200 Germans and 1 Dutchman met in the Jerusalemkirche in Berlin to discuss the theme of ‘Verzicht auf betäubungslose Ferkelkastration’ (stopping the unanaesthetised...
View ArticleBeliefs or evidence?
Gé Backus Talking about farming and marketing entire male pigs often ends up in talking about the risk of boar taint. Piglet castration is a clear illustration how much time it takes for new evidence...
View ArticleBoars information ready for use
Gé Backus From January 1, 2019 pigs in Germany may no longer be castrated without anesthesia. This is enshrined in German law. Major retailers such as Rewe, Edeka Südwest, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd want...
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